Clipboard is the easiest way to collect signups for your next event.

No ads and no clutter. Just a clean and easy-to-use tool for everyone.

Try it Free

No credit card needed!

Everyone Clipboard
Thank you for making my job so much easier! 💕
— Donna Huffman
Clipboard has made my event planning and management process so easy and fast.
— Betty Yates
The support team is so helpful and is always friendly. I definitely recommend Clipboard looking for easy to use event signup or volunteer management software.
— Mary Hofer
We honestly don't understand how we've been living without Clipboard.
— Dylan Nelson
Clipboard is a game-changer. Instead of drowning in an endless chain of emails, we're now able to just send out a signup link and BOOM. Before we know it, it's full! Everyone loves how easy to use it is.
— Donna Williams
Clipboard is exactly what I've been looking for.
— Pablo Montero
I got so tired of dealing with Signup Genius and all its confusing ads and settings. Clipboard has been exactly what I was looking for.
— Katie Dilbeck
I can't thank Clipboard enough for making it free for teachers like me!
— Robert Ward
I can't imagine trying to organize who is bringing what with emails or pen and paper any more. I use Clipboard constantly these days!
— Gina Trujillo

Get more responses in less time.

No obnoxious ads and simple signup forms makes Clipboard a breeze to use.

Clipboard makes everything simpler

Signup forms are easy to create and even easier to manage. We take care of everything from sending out reminders to keeping track of what you still need, so you can focus on your event rather than trading endless emails and fiddling with spreadsheets.

Your event participants will love how they can sign up with just a few clicks, and can even manage their own signups if they need to make a change.

No obnoxious ads or confusing popups

We never display ads or popups on any signup form, ever.

Every plan, including our free plan, is 100% ad-free. A simple and enjoyable experience for everyone is much more important to us than earning a few extra pennies by littering your signup forms with ads.

Not filling the page with ads means a much simpler and delightful experience for everyone! You and your guests get a premium experience for a fraction of what you might expect.

Works on any device, wherever you are

Whether you're at home, the office, or running errands, it's always easy to create new signup forms, make changes, or communicate with your event participants.

Your participants will love how they can sign up with just a few clicks, no matter where they are.

Forgot your laptop at home? No problem! Clipboard works on any phone, tablet, or desktop!

Ready to give it a whirl?

No credit card needed. Try everything 100% free with no pressure.

Pssst... Did you know that teachers get the Pro plan 100% free?