100% Free for Teachers

Sign up with your .edu email and get the Pro plan for free!

We know that teachers pay for way more than they should out of their own pockets. They deserve better.

Clipboard is happy to provide free accounts to anyone with a .edu email address. And we're not just talking about some slimmed-down version of a paid account -- we mean a full Pro account, completely free.

All the tools, resources, and benefits of our best tier are yours, 100% free. It's not much, especially considering all you do, but it's something we're proud to be able to offer you.

All you have to do is sign up using your .edu email, and you'll get it for free. If you are an educator and don't have a .edu email address, just sign up with your normal email and contact us to let us know. We'll hook you up!

Thank you for all you do!

Ready to give it a whirl?

No credit card needed. Try everything 100% free with no pressure.

Pssst... Did you know that teachers get the Pro plan 100% free?